GROUP X CLASSES: Our job is to challenge you to find your inner strength. Your job is to work hard but keep it at a level that you can enjoy!
Together we succeed!
Our Group X Classes are for all levels because we don’t put limits on you. Our classes are geared for fun while getting fit. We offer modifications and alternatives to suit your physical needs. Yes, we will work you hard because that is our job, but our clients actually have fun while at it. We laugh, complain, and feel relaxed, connected, and refreshed after each class. We work along with upbeat music, and each class has a segment of core work, and stretching for improved flexibility. Experience the fun of the classes and the encouragement of our members, because we are a positive non-judgmental group (it’s a requirement here at TMX)
Your first class is always complimentary!
· MAT PILATES: A quieter, mindful (yet not easy) workout that will improve how your entire body functions. Strengthen your “powerhouse,” (abdominals, lower back muscles, pelvic floor, hips and glutes). Feel and notice the physical improvement and muscle tone quickly!
· DANCE~ATA: A favorite of many! Start with a great few rounds of Tabata, then get a little more aggressive! In between rounds of Tabata we get to shake it off with a fun Dance element! A great full body exercise class with the fun of rhythmic movement.
· HIIT the BARRE: Members come to our Barre for a Six Pack. This interval Cardio and Pilates Barre work class takes you to the BARRE with some great moves you will just drink in! Raising the heart rate and the fun. This interval class will give you the perfect workout to get you what you came to the barre for…a 6 pack! The BEST Barre in town!
· HIIT the CIRCUIT: A great all-around class that is easy to follow. Individual stations offering different exercises allow you to easily work at your own pace. Each station is timed, participants move through them all getting a wide variety of exercises which combat every element of weakness. A great starter class
· BODY WORK for BOOMERS: A fun group class that improves the Body-Brain connection. In a fun social element, we guide our 50+ participants through proper form with cardio, strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and fall prevention exercises. Improve your functionality, posture, flexibility, memory and confidence.
· INTERVAL PILATES: A favorite of many! Begin with our loved TABATA class (20 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds of rest, then repeat). A quick and efficient FAT BURNER! Then gracefully move into Mat Pilates for strength and resistance training utilizing the entire body improving every muscle from top to toes.
· NO HOLDS BARRED: It’s time to tap into the true woman (or man) that you are… delicate yet strong and go…no holds barred! No restrictions! This full spectrum standing, and mat floor work class combines many elements of Pilates, Yoga, Dance, & Resistance tools for a varied workout. This class is a must if you desire strong, shapely; arms, legs, glutes, and Abs. No-Low Cardio
· FUNCTIONAL FITNESS: It’s about how FIT you LIVE, not how Fit you Look. Zone in on the necessary daily movements while improving your brain-body connection and reflex speed. Integrate muscle, joint, flexibility, precision, Intensity levels, muscle & memory. Intensity increases as your stamina increases. We also offer one-to-one FF coaching for more specific needs, Great for Athletes & Seniors
· TABATA: A favorite of many! Give it your best for only 20 seconds…then…REST! Repeat! This allows you to work at your personal & full capacity. You’ll wonder where the time went, and see quick results!
· SKILLS & DRILLS: A full body, bi-polar workout encompassing many of our wonderful formats: Barre, Boxing, TRX, Ball, and Pilates all while enforcing proper form and movement. Easy/Hard, Slow/Fast, Gentle/Tough, Enjoyable/Torture, leaving you Strong/Flexible. Never Boring!
· EXERCISE THERAPY: Our Exercise Therapy classes are uniquely designed to release the stress from your mind and to work the stress out of your muscles while we add strength to them! No couch therapy here…we work it out physically! A lot of strength, Stretching, and mindfulness. Members report finding a great sense of support, feel lighter, energized, even resolved issues!
· BE STRONG: Strength comes in many forms, and we know the formula! Hand weights, bands, balls, body weight resistance, TRX and mental strength. Your strength comes from within, and we will help you tap into it! No-Low Cardio
Classes may change at anytime. Like a class keep it going by keeping the numbers up, so invite your friends