As we age, our brain tends to shrink, losing not only its overall volume but also impairing some of its functionality. One critical area which can be affected is the hippocampus. It is the area of our brain where long-term memories are stored and accessed. As this area of the brain decreases in size, our memories become harder to reach and more difficult to store new memories.
TMX (THERAMEDEX) combats this decline with our state-of-the-art NEURO FITNESS program.
TMX’S NEURO FITNESS has been on the leading edge for over a decade with our brain-to-body technique. With each client we improve mental and physical ability, health, outlook, strength, function and above all, confidence. Our sessions will challenge you to think, react, focus, and coordinate your entire body, connecting brain to body through a variety of thought processes. Nothing is mundane, we utilize the senses, provide cognitive challenges and physical exercises to trigger faster thinking and new dendrite and neuron growth which can help your entire system. We coach you to live actively, with confidence.
Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Seniors, Disabled, all ages Teens- Adults, and those needing to improve their Sport, yes, absolutely everyone!

As we age, our families want to feel confident that we are strong enough to safely get around while avoiding falls. We want to be physically and mentally capable of functioning on our own while enjoying our favorite activities in life. Our goal is to keep you on that path.
In a recent study, a connection between brain and body exercise, an increase in brain volume was found, specifically with the hippocampus. In this study, the participants in the group that practiced regular exercise had an increase of 2% brain mass volume in their hippocampus compared to the group without exercise.
The study results show that the group that exercised had halted the volume of age-related brain loss by as much as 1-2 years’ worth.
Research results show: You’re smart if you exercise.

If you set up regular exercise patterns, you can protect yourself from years of brain volume loss and keep your hippocampus healthy. In fact, you can even reverse some of your brain volume loss if it has occurred. Along with the great benefits of long-term exercise, you can positively impact your memory with just one short workout, according to memory researchers.
In another study on activating semantic memory in older adults, researchers concluded that the participating older adults experienced greater memory activation, particularly with their semantic memory (the type of long-term memory involving word recall, concepts, or numbers, which is essential for the use and understanding of language.
We offer a free consultation and one free 30 minute session to learn more. Our space is very limited so reserve your free consultation so,
Or, contact us at service@tmxfitness.com